Do any authentic designer bags come from China?

We can definitely appreciate your worry about your bag being made in China. China is infamous for counterfeiting; 80% of counterfeit goods worldwide originate from there. Nonetheless, some luxury designer handbags ARE produced in China.

“HELP! My [Luxury Brand] bag says ‘Made in China’. Is it fake?”

Not necessarily .The statement that “any designer bags made in China are fake” is false. If you see a luxury item on YOLO that says Made In China, rest assured that it is 100% authentic or your money back.

Are Luxury Bags Made In China?

Designer handbags are usually synonymous with being made in Italy or France, but that’s not always the case. Labels like Prada, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton have built their reputations on goods made in France and Italy because of their history of manufacturing. Due to this, artisans in Italy and France are expensive.

Because of the need for more cost effective mass production, some luxury brands such as Givenchy, Burberry, Mulberry, Miu Miu, Phillip Lim, Mulberry, and Prada do manufacture handbags in China. Many high-end brands outsource work outside of the confines of Italy and France to lower-cost centers like Romania, Turkey, and India too. According to an article published by Wall Street Journal in 2011, about 20 percent of Prada bags, clothes, and shoes are manufactured in China. 

Although the manufacturing site shifted, the price tag remains unchanged. Designer pieces produced in less expensive countries still boast skilled artisans and adhere to the same quality standards as their Italy/France equivalents.

Some brands divide their production: a piece might use raw materials from Italy, created in China, with designs from New York. Miuccia Prada told The Wall Street Journal, Sooner or later, it will happen to everyone because [Chinese manufacturing] is so good.

For further reading regarding this trend, take a look at this article The Fashion Law blog about luxury goods made in China.

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